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Vaginal Bleaching Before and After Photos

Before and after vaginal bleaching

Everyone should be able to feel comfortable in their own body, and a lot of times “private areas” are never talked about even though it is human nature. Well, this makes it harder to find information about such areas. Luckily, I have done research which I am happy to post below so that you can see the before and after photos of my own vaginal bleaching.

I was looking all over the internet, I couldn’t find anything though. One day I was searching for something completely different, then I happen to come upon a product that is advertised as skin lightening for those sensitive areas, so I read more about it. I have done a lot of research and decided to order myself a bottle of it. WOW, does it work.

Here is my before and photo after using the skin cream:

As you can see first hand, I had great results. Not only did it work, I feel better, I go out in the sun to tan my body so that I can look  perfect (I think I look perfect now…hehe).

You may be wondering which cream I used, it is Epibright Intimate Lightening Cream. They offer a bonus bottle if you order 2 or more, anywhere in the world. I would highly recommend this since it works. I was hesitant to do this because I wasn’t sure it would work, but it does, so now I buy the biggest amount I can at once to get free bottles and the best deal available.


Epibright Intimate for DIY Anal Bleaching

FYI: A couple of people have e-mailed me asking about the chemicals in this product. There are none! There are only natural products such as shea butter, primrose oil, and vitamins. So it is a great product to use.

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